Hi my name is <Firstname Lastname>. I'd like to enquire about a 1hr rollerblading (or rollerskating) beginner (or intermediate or advanced) BRISBANE lesson for myself (& other person's name) on SAT 25JAN25 - 1100-1200hrs. Size EUR39 rollerblades needed (or own rollerskates). Pls sms to confirm.
Please let us know what your EURO size is even if bringing your own skates because skates don’t last forever and your instructor reserves the right to swap your skates for ours.
Lessons are held on Saturdays (subject to availability and mutual agreement of a time slot and prepayment) and during weekdays after 4:30pm. We have more availability on school holidays. Sending an SMS in the above format saves time and speeds up the Rollerblading Brisbane booking process since we have lessons in other locations e.g. Sydney, Sunshine Coast, and via Zoom.
As indicated in the SMS above... don't forget to give us important information such as skate size in EURO size format please. Save time by checking your euro size in your favourite pair of running shoes.
Feel free to call James on +61411872022 if you have any questions not answered by this website but please mention where (nearest city / location) you are enquiring from. Unfortunately, I get lots of spam telemarketing calls. Text messages are responded to more quickly than voicemail messages which can sometimes lack important information such as an audible mobile contact phone number or the city and suburb that you are in. We run lessons in other locations around Australia (such as Sydney) and also via Zoom. Thanks for your understanding. 24 hour cancellation policy via SMS once both parties have agreed to booking.